The moment you decide to start getting information on selling your home, you are entering a new territory of how to think about things to get it to sell fast.

You’re entering the psychological territory of selling a house.

No longer will you be decluttering for the sake of making your life easier, you’ll be eliminating items for the sake of your buyer.

It’s time to give them what they want.

Which leads us to the question of “What do house buyers want in their new home?”

Space. And, more space.

They want room to breathe.

They want the illusion of plenty of storage space.

They want the illusion of a perfect, easy life.

They want their bodies to expand with hope, delight, and inspiration.

You are opening up their creative flow, where they can imagine themselves, with their personal things, fitting into your home.

Your job is to create beauty over function.

Yes, no more tossing things in the closet, jumbled shelves, and fast paced living.

Every time you put something away, it will be done meticulously. With clear intention that it’s your job to stay neat, tidy and keep things looking…pretty, super clean, and easy.

How can you transform your spaces into places others will happily conform to seeing their life in this new home?

Well, stick around. You’ll see more tips coming in future articles on getting your home ready to sell.

About Author

Melody Granger helps women embrace The Streamlined Lifestyle, where their homes exude freshness, function with ease, and provide a serene backdrop for accomplishing tasks that enhance their overall health, success, and well-being.

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